HPV DNA integration drives oncogene overexpression through rewiring of 3D chromatin interactions
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the major causative agent of cervical cancers.
The Western Ghats rainforests harbor many elusive and rarely spotted species such as the Nilgiri Marten and the Malabar Spiny Dormouse among many others. However, information on such elusive or rare species are limited, making it difficult for scientists and researchers to study and conserve them.
NCBS Scientist Mukund Thattai Awarded INFOSYS PRIZE 2023 in Physical Sciences
We take immense pride in announcing that Prof. Mukund Thattai has been awarded the Infosys Prize 2023 in Physical Sciences, in recognition of his groundbreaking contributions to evolutionary cell biology. This recognition stems from his research, which has significantly advanced our understanding of one of biology's central mysteries: the emergence of complex cells.
Women in the Wild: Untold stories of wildlife conservation
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the book ‘WOMEN IN THE WILD: Stories of India’s Most Brilliant Women Wildlife Biologists’, which shines a light on so
Dr Amey Redkar joins as a faculty at NCBS
The National Centre for Biological Sciences is delighted to have Amey Redkar, the newest faculty member join the Centre. Amey’s research focuses on genetic and cellular mechanisms of plant-microbial interactions, specifically dissecting molecular dialogues between plant roots and microbes that drive the disease outcomes. -
NCBS Signs MoU with Research & Training Organizations of MoEFCC to Collaborate on Conservation Research and Education Programs
The National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS), Bengaluru, signed Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with Research & Training Organizations of Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change (MoEFCC), GoI- Indian Council of Forestry and Research and Education (ICFRE), Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy (IGFNA), Central Academy for State Forestry Service (CASFOS) and Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding (IFGTB), as a step towards building partnership for research and education on biodiversity and conservation.
Dr Sufyan Ashhad joins as a faculty at NCBS
Breathing is a part of every second of our lives, yet we don't think much about it. -
Shifting the Balance
How mutation spectra reversals increase the odds of evolutionary success