Scientists identify a gene that could help increase rice productivity
In a new study, a team of scientists led by Dr. P.V. Shivaprasad has shown that a previously unknown AGO named AGO17 is essential for the growth of panicles that hold rice grains. When the researchers expressed it at higher levels in plants, they got plants with longer panicles and more yield. On the other hand, plants had poor growth if they removed this gene by knockdown strategies.
Protein modifications hold the key to success of plant viruses
Plants destroy viral toxic proteins as part of their defence, while the viruses use the plant machinery to protect their toxic proteins and cause symptoms.
Looking OutsideIn at Ecology
In the era where online lives are thriving for those of us with access to the internet, there is so much to interact with and learn from! Many spaces have emerged for discussion between individuals who are joined by a love of discovery.
CSIR Announces Awardees of Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for 2020
CSIR Announces Awardees of Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for 2020
In the area of Biological Sciences, the coveted award has been bagged by Subhadeep Chatterjee from the Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics, Hyderabad and Vatsala Thirumalai from the National Centre for Biological Sciences.
Congratulations! Dr. Vatsala Thirumalai awarded Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for 2020
During the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research’s (CSIR) Foundation Day celebration, on 26 September, the recipients of the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for 2020 were announced. Dr. Vatsala Thirumalai of the NCBS has been awarded this prize for her work in the biological sciences. 14 scientists from various fields received India’s highest science award this year.
Scrolling through the leaves of history
A research-based narrative podcast that brings together science, health and culture
The wings of diversity
When NCBS scientists Krushnamegh Kunte and Vaishali Bhaumik explored the movement pattern of butterflies – a species they studied for years – they discovered how such contrasting movement patterns influenced the reproductive characteristics of the winged insects.
A vote for India’s national butterfly
A first-of-its kind online public campaign is underway to choose from a list of seven winged wonders nominated by experts. The butterfly poll will end on October 7.
A tale of two moth species from Tale
Guwahati, August 26: A group of butterfly and moth researchers has described a new moth speci