Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

Research funding is a limited resource, even for the largest of global science foundations, and is typically awarded, after much deliberation, to the best investigators and institutes, via a streamlined decision-making process.

One of the largest such foundations is the UK based independent global charity, the Wellcome Trust. It funds high-impact biomedical research in the UK and internationally, made possible by its current invested endowment of about £16 billion. Kevin Moses, Director of Science Funding at the Wellcome Trust was recently on campus to talk about the Wellcome Trust as a global bio-medical research funder and bring the community up to speed with its world-wide activities.

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013


One of the most important events on NCBS's calendar, this year's Annual Meeting will be held from the 3rd to 5th January 2013. Over the three days, fourteen of NCBS's principal investigators will speak about their recent work, focusing on different aspects of "Control in Biological Systems" - the theme for this year's talks. All seminars will be held at Dasheri (the NCBS Auditorium) in the new Southern Laboratories complex within the NCBS campus. The event also involves afternoon poster sessions where NCBS's research scholars will throw light upon their recent projects at the institute. The poster sessions will be dispersed between talks on all days.
Wednesday, April 6th, 2011

Finally, we have another reason to believe that everyone is hard at work within the walls at NCBS! Faculty, students and researchers have lit up the world stage and brought back accolades. Here, we present a list of the prize winners from 2008 and 2009. We hope to follow up soon with a list from 2010!

Friday, October 29th, 2010

A hard fought battle between competitors and judges has boiled down to these final, but difficult decisions. The first NCBS photo competition has come to an end with the announcement of the judges decision for best photo and runner-up. Ashesh's brilliant image of the hole in the roof of the cave had a clear edge over competition with unanimous votes from all our judges. The winner was clear, but the heat was on for the second spot.

As judges and organizers alike deliberated, a close poll decided that the second spot would go to the photograph that made even speeding Bangalore traffic look beautiful. Venkatesan's creation of peace amidst the chaos blazed ahead to win our second prize.

As with the popular vote winners, the winners of the judges prize will receive cash awards reimbursable against the purchase of books, for Rs 1000 and Rs 250 respectively.Winners can contact the accounts section with the bills corresponding to their book purchase in order to receive their reimbursements.

Test Poll

100% (1 vote)
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 1


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