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Prof. Uma Ramakrishnan from NCBS elected as a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAA&S)

Prof. Uma Ramakrishnan from NCBS elected as a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAA&S)

Prof. Uma Ramakrishnan from the National Centre for Biological Scienes, Bengaluru has been elected as a Member of the American Academy of Arts of Sciences. (AAA&S)
Prof. Uma's work in the areas of wildlife biology, population genetics, conservation etc is well known globally and she has contributed to both basic sciences and its applications in wildlife conservation. She is also active in framing policies for wildlife conservation, and has a passion for teaching and science popularisation.
This is a prestigious international recognition for Prof. Uma, NCBS and the Indian community of biologists. 
Know more about Prof. Uma's work here: 