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Dr Deepa Agashe is the recipient of the 2024 Mid-Career Excellence Award by the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution

Dr Deepa Agashe is the recipient of the 2024 Mid-Career Excellence Award by the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution

Dr Deepa Agashe, Associate Professor at the National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bengaluru, has been awarded the 2024 Mid-Career Excellence Award by the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. This award is intended for outstanding members of the SMBE community who are in the midst of their research careers (8-15 years post-Ph.D.). The primary criterion is a record of truly outstanding research that has contributed broadly to the field of Molecular Biology and Evolution. The prize includes recognition at the annual SMBE banquet, a cash prize and a travel award to attend the annual meeting.

Her group at NCBS uses both bacterial and insect models to understand the processes and mechanisms underlying adaptive evolution. Their work helps explain how species successfully colonize new habitats, how selection on translation rate and accuracy has shaped bacterial genomes and bacterial evolution, and why skewed mutation spectra are so common and variable in nature.

Link to the Announcement:
