Another step in understanding antipsychotic medication
After much deliberation and anxiety, the family finally sought psychiatric help for their son. And the results were in a way, a relief. The doctors’ verdict was that their child, their teenage son, was suffering from bipolar disorder. His wild mood swings between hyper-enthusiastic activity and deep depression were treatable.
Worms farming bacteria could help model complex natural events
Dans les champs de l'observation le hasard ne favorise que les esprits préparés.
In the fields of observation, chance favors only the prepared mind.
- Louis Pasteur
Science, Society and NCBS
Science is regarded as one of the most significant cognitive enterprises of our times and the interface of science with society is becoming increasingly complex. The campus recently hosted an event titled "Science, Society and NCBS", aimed at exploring ways in which the practice of science relates to larger questions of society.
The rise of the apple maggot fly – how an altered sense of smell could drive the formation of new species
“Two months ago, we were congratulating ourselves on a fair crop of winterapples. To all appearance, they were freer from worms than we had known them
The late effects of stress: New insights into how the brain responds to trauma
Mrs. M would never forget that day. She was walking along a busy road next to the vegetable market when two goons zipped past on a bike. One man’s hand shot out and grabbed the chain around her neck. The next instant, she had stumbled to her knees, and was dragged along in the wake of the bike. Thankfully, the chain snapped, and she got away with a mildly bruised neck. Though dazed by the incident, Mrs. M was fine until a week after the incident.
Then, the nightmares began.
NCBS welcomes new faculty member: Anjana Badrinarayanan
The National Centre for Biological Sciences is delighted to welcome Anjana Badrinarayanan who joins the Centre as its newest faculty member.
Talking science, simply and clearly in 3 minutes
Talking science, simply and clearly in 3 minutes
The balancing act in membrane turnover: an enzyme that links endocytosis to membrane recycling
Blink. When you wake up, the first thing you do is open your eyes and see.
NCBS Science Day Delights All
The first edition of NCBS Science Day took place on Saturday, 12th November 2016. Over 600 kids from schools all around the state of Karnataka came to the campus and learnt about how science can be applied in every-day life. The event was a beautiful depiction of how people from all walks of life can convene to celebrate one passion; in this case, science. Several labs from NCBS and inStem provided experiments to demonstrate the uses of science in everyday life.
Early career Indian researchers attend special training program in iPS cell technology at Centre for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA), Japan
Researchers in India and Japan have recently collaborated on a research program that will help accelerate translation of cutting-edge stem cell technology in context of human disease research in India.