Reprogramming Life: Stem Cell Facility
“Facilitating Research” is a series put together by Dr Deepti Trivedi, Head of Research Facilities, to explore what it requires to run a research facility at Bangalore Life Science Cluster. She will be talking to the Facility In-Charges of different facilities over the next few months.
Decoding the Genome - Next Generation Genomics Facility
Core facilities are an integral part of modern research. They provide not only unique resources and state-of-the-art capabilities but also technical expertise and experience so that a non-expert scientist can confidently perform specialized experiments and aim to move their research program in any new direction. Facilities serve as a nexus for collaborations, interdisciplinary research, and platforms for cost-effective innovation.
Tracing the Contemporary History of Science in India at the Archives at NCBS
The Archives at NCBS, a space dedicated to the history of science in contemporary India, runs on the philosophy of enabling diverse stories. To further this endeavour, the Archives has received a grant from Arcadia for a project titled ‘Documenting the Contemporary History of Science in India.’
Tracing evolution in Western Ghat's butterflies
ooks are deceptive. This age-old adage comes true in some butterfly colonies where the winged insects have acquired bright colours and attractive wing patterns over millions of years to fool their predators.
This ecologist uses fake flowers to study India’s insects
Shannon Olsson examines the behaviour of insect pollinators to understand their reaction to a changing climate.
How a Farmers’ Pest Is Making Scientists Rethink the Speed of Evolution
ver millennia, farming has transformed landscapes and ecosystems. As we transported plants across the oceans, we also unwittingly enabled the flourishing and evolution of other species.
Study shows butterflies bedazzle predators and escape
The investigated the butterfly mimetic communities of the Western Ghats over five years
Students from Dr. Krushnamegh Kunte's Biodiversity Lab have discovered some secrets of a long evolutionary game through which butterflies come to warn, fool and escape their predators using traits such as wing colour patterns and flight
Dr Vinothkumar K Ragunath gets selected as a member to join the EMBO Global Investigator Network
National Centre for Biological Sciences congratulates Vinothkumar Kutti Ragunath for being selected as a member to join the EMBO Global Investigator Network !