The Unsung Heroes

NCBS general staff honoured on Republic Day
Saturday, March 6th, 2010

Awardees (L-R): Ms Nidhi Srivastava, Mr Basavaraj Jalihal, (Dr. Upi Bhalla), Ms Shalini, Mr Nagaraj, Ms KS Savitha, (Dr K. VijayRaghavan), Mr Ranjith, Mr Ashok Rao, Mr A. Anandraj, Mr Rajesh

It does not take long for anyone starting up research in a big centre to realise how much their success depends upon the expertise and dedication of their institution's general staff. A centre like NCBS is no simple enterprise, often having to function much like a city in miniature. Innumerable services must run smoothly in the background not only to facilitate basic research activities but to enable a remarkable range of ancillary amenities available on campus: housing, dining, childcare, mail, transport, banking, sports and entertainment, travel assistance, conference hosting and medical care. Given the efficiency, reliability and friendliness of the staff who make this possible at NCBS, the Director K. VijayRaghavan took great pleasure at the recent Republic Day festivities in thanking and honouring, on everyone's behalf, some of the individuals and units that have provided truly superlative efforts in the last year. "Our Admin, Technical and Service Staff are true heroes, comparable to the best anywhere in the world." says Dr VijayRaghavan, "They are the unseen force which keeps our system running well. Honouring our colleagues once a year is very important and reminds us how necessary they are for the success of our science."

The Special Achievement Awards - 2009 are listed below. Each awardee was given a cash amount of Rs. 5000/- and will receive a letter of appreciation.

Mr Rajesh R., Growth Award: for developing the skills that have allowed him to take on the major role of web developer for the Institute.

Ms K.S. Savitha, User Friendly Award: for her graceful and earnest efforts as the interface for many small and large projects.

Mr Basavaraj Jalihal, Service Quality Award: as Junior Engineer, A/C section, Basavaraj works untiringly without fuss to effectively handle his responsibilities.

Mr Ashok Rao, Special User-Friendly Admin Person Award: Ashok is hugely appreciated across all services for his friendly attitude.

Mr Ranjith P.P.: for being a pleasant and enthusiastic interface between academic, engineering, and admin worlds.

Mr. R.N. Nagaraj, Purchase and Stores: For being an untiring colleague who efficiently keeps track of everything from clips to centrifuges.

Ms. Shalini R.N. Accounts: who has quietly, behind the scenes, performed efficiently to keep the internal economyof NCBS flowing.

Mr. A. Anandraj, Guest House: An energetic colleague and pleasant face for the guest house.

Ms. Nidhi Srivastava: who has managed many meetings with poise and who is a friendly face not just for NCBS, but also for many of our visitors from around the world.

Award to Sections. A delicious dinner experience will be provided for all members of these sections.

Multi-section Project award (Least Pain Award): Telecom changeover.

- Instrumentation: Primary implementation

- Electricals: Handover

- Computing: ISP coordination and on-site configuring

- Library: Management of Journal transitions

NCBS is often referred to as a pleasant oasis away from the hustle and bustle, even as a “great place for research, and so close to India”. We pride ourselves on being a place largely free of the bureaucratic difficulties that hold back the research effort in so many other Indian scientific institutions. For that we must thank those whose vision forged NCBS as we know it today, but even more so, those who like the Awardees above, turn that hope into reality on a day-to-day basis.


Good example

Wonderful post Geoff! NCBS is an epitome of Indian research devoid of red tape bureaucracy right from its roots. Most research institutes and universities in India should follow this example. Unsung heroes (and heroines) make NCBS sing around the globe. Hats off to all heroes who made NCBS an unique oasis! Vinodh

This post is a nice example

This post is a nice example that reflects the equality prevailing at NCBS. It is indeed very important to honour people behind the scene. Its good to recognize them and rewarding them, afterall they are working with the same goal, i.e., to make the workplace excel at global standards.

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