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Nice article Nivedita! In my

Nice article Nivedita! In my opinion, this blog has painted an overly rosy picture of FARAN. TV works in black and white and infact does not posses a remote. They don't keep newspaper in FARAN any more. From my personal experience, 90% of the time the Raghvendra (the stall owner) does not have snacks but loads of chips to eat (my definition of snacks is hot Samosa, hot veg or egg-puff). Most of the time conversation go like this Q1: Do u have Samosa? A1: No , Q2: Do U have Puff? A2: No, Q3 Cold drink atleast? A3: No. That is how it always ends. "The place fully thronged with students at night for tea, coffee... " - This does not sound right!!! Indeed the other day we were discussing that after main canteen, we need to revamp/reform FARANS. If within two days, I see a post like this, I think it is very disappointing. thanks Anupratap


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