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One of the things I find

One of the things I find striking about Kullu's field work is the diversity of transportation that he uses to get to the places he needs to survey. This includes days of foot-slogging over rough terrain, using jeeps and cars where they can go, horses and yaks where there are no roads - and this is what I find really amazing - skis when there's snow! I don't know of anyone else who has such an interesting diversity of field transport. Or anyone else as skilled in using them. As a mountaineer, we know he can walk and walk and walk. He's also an accomplished horse rider, and has owned several horses on his farm at home. We always know when Kullu's around and ready for the field, because along with the standard rucksack that most of us carry, there's an enormous pair of skis and poles propped up against it! Umesh Srinivasan.


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