Indiabioscience website launches, a web site designed to serve as a central portal of information on Indian biosciences, was recently launched. It will provide a means of fostering communication and building a community of Indian biologists - young and old, within India and internationally.
The project has owed much to the energy and vision of Ron Vale, professor in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, UCSF, and other members of the steering committee, Shubha Tole Saima Aijaz and Aurnab Ghose. The development of the site has been sponsored by NCBS, which also hosts it.
The idea for this web site emerged from the first Young Investigator Meeting in Kerala in 2009, and through a grass roots effort, has become a reality. Providing information on jobs, grants, education, how to start a lab, upcoming projects in Indian biology and other topics, IndiaBioscience is already rich with information and is bound to grow as as more people contribute after the launch. Several video talks by prominent Indian biologists are also available on the site.
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