
NCBS on YouTube
Friday, September 24th, 2010
NCBS on YOUTUBE - Theatrescience

NCBS on YOUTUBE - Theatrescience

For all the film buffs out there, NCBS now has its very own YouTube channel. We can now look forward to seeing more of what life in NCBS means, from sports and entertainment, to science and technology. Currently, the videos uploaded include excerpts from the science-art interface workshops in 2009, the work taking place in some labs at NCBS, public talks at NCBS and digital home productions.

Details about these videos are available under each video on the youtube site.

The vulture story

The vulture story

Please visit: to subscribe to our very own YouTube channel!

For enquiries, video submissions (<10 min, <1GB) and further information, please contact the NCBS news team.




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