A New Target for Defeating Tuberculosis
One of the difficult and never-ending struggles of our time is Tuberculosis, a disease caused by
Two Decades of Tiger Conservation in India: Hope for global megafauna recovery
A new study published in Science showcases the remarkable recovery of India's tiger population.
Dr Deepa Agashe elected as a Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences (IAS)
Dr Deepa Agashe, Associate Professor at the National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bengaluru, has been elected as a fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences (IAS)
List of Fellows https://www.ias.ac.in/public/Resources/News/fellows_2024final.pdf
Alternate Life Form: Mirror bacteria could pose unprecedented risks
Many of the building blocks of life, such as nucleic acid and proteins, are asymmetrical. They can exist in one of two possible mirror-image forms, and their mirror images cannot be superimposed on each other. For instance, amino acids are predominantly “left-handed”, while sugars are “right-handed”. This property is known as chirality, and it plays a critical role in the building blocks of life.
Geometry and Mechanics of Wounded Tissue Determine Healing Outcomes
Scientists have long been fascinated by how tissues heal, and much of this research has focused on the ep
Professor Vatsala Thirumalai is the recipient of the 2024 Devi Award by The New Indian Express Group.
Dr Vatsala Thirumalai, Professor at the National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bengaluru is the recipient of the 2024 Devi Award by the New Indian Express Group,
What Beetles Can Teach Us About Population Growth
In the twentieth century, improvements in public health infrastructure and medic
NCBS Staff Shine at Founders’ Day 2024
It has been raining awards for NCBS at the Founders’ Day Awards 2024, hosted on October 30 every year in TIFR M