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Students to Engineers: 9 Forest Crusaders Who Fought The Green Fight in 2019

Chandni Gurusrikar

A software engineer and a wildlife conservationist, Chandni Gurusrikar was also among those who received the award in the Wildlife Service category.

Since 2008, she has been actively volunteering in conservation project across the state’s Tiger Reserves at Bandipur, Nagarahole and Bhadra, and is presently an acting trustee and volunteer at Vanodaya Wildlife Trust which works towards conservation in the Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary—Karnataka’s largest protected area.

Along with her husband Ashwin and an expert team of volunteers, Chandni advocates community conservation through awareness workshops, multi-level stakeholder engagements, conservation training for youths and efforts to mitigate Human-Elephant Conflict (HEC) in the region.
