Compose tips

input formats:
  • Filtered HTML:
    • Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically.
    • Allowed HTML tags: <a> <em> <strong> <cite> <code> <ul> <ol> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <p> <span> <img> <div> <pp_img> <pp_media> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <br> <blockquote> <table> <tbody> <tr> <th> <td>

      This site allows HTML content. While learning all of HTML may feel intimidating, learning how to use a very small number of the most basic HTML "tags" is very easy. This table provides examples for each tag that is enabled on this site.

      For more information see W3C's HTML Specifications or use your favorite search engine to find other sites that explain HTML.

      Tag DescriptionYou TypeYou Get
      Anchors are used to make links to other pages.<a href="">NCBS news</a>NCBS news
      Coded text used to show programming source code<code>Coded</code>Coded
      Unordered list - use the <li> to begin each list item<ul> <li>First item</li> <li>Second item</li> </ul>
      • First item
      • Second item
      Ordered list - use the <li> to begin each list item<ol> <li>First item</li> <li>Second item</li> </ol>
      1. First item
      2. Second item
      Definition lists are similar to other HTML lists. <dl> begins the definition list, <dt> begins the definition term and <dd> begins the definition description.<dl> <dt>First term</dt> <dd>First definition</dd> <dt>Second term</dt> <dd>Second definition</dd> </dl>
      First term
      First definition
      Second term
      Second definition
      By default paragraph tags are automatically added, so use this tag to add additional ones.<p>Paragraph one.</p> <p>Paragraph two.</p>

      Paragraph one.

      Paragraph two.

      No help provided for tag span.
      No help provided for tag img.
      No help provided for tag div.
      No help provided for tag pp.
      No help provided for tag pp.


      Header<h3>Subtitle three</h3>

      Subtitle three

      Header<h4>Subtitle four</h4>

      Subtitle four

      Header<h5>Subtitle five</h5>
      Subtitle five
      Header<h6>Subtitle six</h6>
      Subtitle six
      By default line break tags are automatically added, so use this tag to add additional ones. Use of this tag is different because it is not used with an open/close pair like all the others. Use the extra " /" inside the tag to maintain XHTML 1.0 compatibilityText with <br />line breakText with
      line break
      Block quoted<blockquote>Block quoted</blockquote>
      Block quoted
      Table<table> <tr><th>Table header</th></tr> <tr><td>Table cell</td></tr> </table>
      Table header
      Table cell
      No help provided for tag tbody.

      Most unusual characters can be directly entered without any problems.

      If you do encounter problems, try using HTML character entities. A common example looks like &amp; for an ampersand & character. For a full list of entities see HTML's entities page. Some of the available characters include:

      Character DescriptionYou TypeYou Get
      Greater than&gt;>
      Less than&lt;<
      Quotation mark&quot;"
    • Insert an image node with <pp_img type="node" nid="nid" preset="preset" title="title" align="align" caption="caption" link="link" target="target" > </pp_img>.

      Insert an image url with <pp_img type="url" src="src" width="width" height="height" title="title" align="align" caption="caption" link="link" target="target" > </pp_img>.

      Insert a media node with <pp_media type="node" nid="nid" width="width" height="height" title="title" align="align" caption="caption" > </pp_media>.

      Notes: There must be a space between opening and closing tags, otherwise the rich editor may interfere. The double quotes are necessary.

      AttributeDescriptionApplies toExamples
      typeTypeAll"node", "url"
      nidNode numberImage node, media node"1"
      presetImage presetImage node"image", "thumbnail", "small"
      teaserTeaser ImageImage node"0", "1"
      srcImage urlImage url""
      widthWidthImage url, media node"300"
      heightHeightImage url, media node"100"
      titleTitleImage node, image url"Sample title"
      alignAlignmentAll"left", "right", "center", "none"
      captionCaptionAll"Sample caption"
      linklinkImage node, image url""
      targettarget windowImage node, image url"", "_blank"
  • Full HTML:
    • Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically.
    • Insert an image node with <pp_img type="node" nid="nid" preset="preset" title="title" align="align" caption="caption" link="link" target="target" > </pp_img>.

      Insert an image url with <pp_img type="url" src="src" width="width" height="height" title="title" align="align" caption="caption" link="link" target="target" > </pp_img>.

      Insert a media node with <pp_media type="node" nid="nid" width="width" height="height" title="title" align="align" caption="caption" > </pp_media>.

      Notes: There must be a space between opening and closing tags, otherwise the rich editor may interfere. The double quotes are necessary.

      AttributeDescriptionApplies toExamples
      typeTypeAll"node", "url"
      nidNode numberImage node, media node"1"
      presetImage presetImage node"image", "thumbnail", "small"
      teaserTeaser ImageImage node"0", "1"
      srcImage urlImage url""
      widthWidthImage url, media node"300"
      heightHeightImage url, media node"100"
      titleTitleImage node, image url"Sample title"
      alignAlignmentAll"left", "right", "center", "none"
      captionCaptionAll"Sample caption"
      linklinkImage node, image url""
      targettarget windowImage node, image url"", "_blank"

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